Our Mission

At CPFFA LOCAL 5153, our mission is to serve. We will advocate for the rights, wages, and benefits of our firefighter association members. We are dedicated to ensuring fair labor practices, equitable compensation, and comprehensive benefits for those who bravely serve our community.

Our commitment of serving is beyond the fire station to the neighborhoods we protect. We are steadfast in our dedication to the well-being and safety of the community we serve, striving to uphold the highest standards of professionalism, compassion, and service.

Together, we stand united in our mission to uphold the rights of our members and serve our community with unwavering dedication and integrity.

Firefighters play a crucial role in our communities by responding to a wide range of emergencies with courage and dedication. From battling urban and structure fires, navigating motor vehicle accidents and providing top notch medical care firefighters are always at the forefront of keeping people safe no matter the emergency. They conduct thorough training exercises to stay prepared for any situation, ensuring quick and effective responses when called upon. In addition to their emergency response duties, firefighters also focus on fire prevention, visiting schools and local establishments to educate the public on safety measures. They are committed to serving others, running towards danger when most would run away, this is what explains a firefighters heart of service.

Firefighters face numerous challenges that can take a toll on their mental health, impacting not only themselves but also their families. Aside from spending countless hours away from their families on holidays, weekends and children’s birthdays, the inherent dangers, traumatic events, and long hours associated with the job can lead to increased stress, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among firefighters. This strain often extends to their families, who witness the physical and emotional demands placed on their loved ones. Family members may struggle to understand the pressures faced by firefighters, leading to a lack of communication and support within the household. As a result, addressing mental health within the firefighting community is crucial, not only for the well-being of the firefighters themselves but also for the cohesion and stability of their families.

It is our job to represent and advocate for our first responders and for the fire service as a whole.